4 Of The Best On-Page SEO Tips

By Abraham Joseph

Does your website show up on page one of the search results when people search for terms that are related to your Business? If so, you probably enjoy a lot of Internet traffic from people who are looking for what you have to offer.

Well, a website can only be considered as great if it has valuable and rich information on services offered, and attracts more customers on a daily basis. Marketing a website to attract traffic on a day to day basis is crucial and it is due to this reason why optimization of the same is required.

Similar to the above, it is the first point of contact with visitors. Use a description that makes people want to click through to your site.

Link building plays a major role in website marketing, as it helps create a web of links for search engine robots and crawlers to catch, thus display it on the first page of a search engine result. Link building is a technique or process of creating or using highly relevant inbound links to direct traffic into a web page.

A lot of people do not realize that internal linking is just as important as external linking. If you run something like a blog, then it already has a level of internal linking built-in, but you can get plugins to enhance it and improve your SEO. You should have recommended posts listed on each page, as this can keep visitors on your site longer.

This is often forgotten about. The slower your page loads, the further down the rankings you will fall. This is because search engines now use loading time as a metric included in their ranking formulas. If people have to sit around waiting for a site to load, then they will generally move on quickly. If you have a blog and it is slow, disable the plugins as it may be one of them. Sometimes the only solution is to move servers.

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