Does Bing Provide Long Island SEO Value?

By Paula Hess

When you're talking about search engines, it's safe to assume that Google will be the name that others commonly think about. This doesn't mean that it's the only game in town, as Bing is well-known in its own right. However, a common Long Island SEO claim is that it doesn't provide enough value. Is this necessarily the case? By the end of this piece, you'll have a better understanding of the overall value that Bing brings to the table.

One of the reasons why Bing has worth is that it can complement current Long Island SEO efforts. When you think about search engine optimization, chances are that your mind will immediately go to Google. This doesn't mean that other engines can't be used in tandem with it. Bing yields considerable activity as well, meaning that it would be unwise to ignore it. If anything, it can provide a boost to one's current efforts, as stated earlier.

Bing is tied to Microsoft Advertising as well, meaning that you have the potential to be found on different devices as well. Not only can you be found by MSN customers, but even those that are active on Xbox Live as well. You may not think that the latter is important, but it's important to consider that the service in question boasts over 55 million active users. To say that this is a sizable audience to reach would be an understatement and the likes of will agree.

Bing Ads should be noted as well, not only due to their impact but the convenience they offer as well. Did you know that you can keep track of the ads you run on both desktop and mobile platforms? What this means is that you will never be out of the loop when it comes to your marketing efforts. It's a simple matter of downloading the app on your phone, which is a short process that will be more than worthwhile.

As you can see, Bing can provide Long Island SEO value to those that take the time to learn about it. Search engine optimization hinges on various factors, and it's not like Google is the only piece of the larger puzzle. Bing deserves its own spot, despite its smaller scope, and you may be able to find a spot in its rankings as well. It's a simple matter of the work you put in, not to mention how soon you roll out your efforts.

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